Teas, Herbs and Spices
Vancouver, BC
fair trade & organic teas, herbs, spices & more
ethically and sustainably harvested
-Apothecary, teas, herbs and spices on Main-
Store Hours
Monday - Wednesday 10:30a.m. - 5:30p.m.
Thursday 10:30a.m. - 6p.m.
Friday 10:30am - 6:30p.m.
Saturday 10am - 6pm
Sunday 11a.m. - 6p.m.
-closed on statutory holidays-​​​
Please visit our ONLINE SHOP for organic herbal teas and more!
We are taking email orders. Please email us at:
Visit our full-service Spices Shop and discover why we’re such a trusted source for high-quality products. By choosing BALANCE BOTANICALS you know you’re choosing the absolute best for you and your family.
Acid Relief
Adapting Gems
Alleviate migraine
Anti bloat
Autumn tea
Balance Blend
Blood Circulation Powder
Bone, Flesh & Cartilage(internal and external)
Brazilian secret
Bright vision
Calming bitters
Cardio health
Children's Tea
Chocolate Chicory Chai
Cleanse Blend
Clear lung steam inhalation
Cool sooth & hydrate
Easy Day tea
Elderberry syrup
Elvin Water
Energy Booser
Essiac tea
Evening Repose
Fidnemend Night-time
Gentle Bitters (Iron and Calcium)
Hangovre Tea
Headache Tea
Heavy Mineral Cleanse
Herbal Chai
Herbal Iron Formula
Herbal Iron Powder
Hibiscus High
Immune Boost
Kidney Klear
Kuzu Root Formula
Lactation Blend
Lemon Ginger Tea
Lifting Mood
Lighten Up-Detox
Love Portion Tea
Lung Love
Nourishing Blend
Orange Tea
Post-Partum Healing Blend (external)
Reg.Sugar/pancreas tea
Rooibos Chai
Seasonal Response
Silica Tea
Sinus Plus
Sleepy Time
Soothing Dry Throat wild Cherry Bark Syrup
Thought Flow
Tulsi Delight
Vita Blend
Willow Blend
Witch Tea
Wizard Tea
Women's Moon - Ease
Women's Moon - feel free